Cultural sensitive conversations





Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication 

A project was conducted for a global client to determine whether different people in different contexts have similar conversations. Three synchronised studies were carried out in China, Spain and the UK, with Reach partners Apogee, The Care Lab and Stby jointly designing an international study. The aim was to analyse how cultures can influence the type of language people use.

Collaborative Approach and Methodology 

The study required detailed planning and preparation due to the broad topic and simultaneous studies across three time zones. The project started with creating a matrix of existing knowledge from literature in three languages. Expert interviews with academics, journalists and designers were conducted to refine the topic into testable hypotheses. The framework was then applied to in-depth ethnographic immersions in London, Barcelona and Shanghai, generating rich data.

Multi-Phase Study 

The success of the first phase of the study resulted in the addition of two more phases of this study. Phase 2 studied Russian and Arabic, with partners in Russia (Summ()n) and Egypt (Khatt Foundation). This project proved how design research techniques can be applied to complex, abstract issues, incorporating cross-cultural differences into the design process.


The Result

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